Wednesday, September 19, 2007

refilwe and the petrol station

Yesterday we were finally able to get back to Refilwe to meet with Yonela and some of her friends about doing some beading for jewelry for the gift shop. Sadly, she was too busy to hang out with us—homework, chores, and various other duties in the community—but we were able to grab a few minutes with her and also arrange to go back Friday.

Yonela is almost 16, and one of the funniest girls I have ever met. She shrieked when she saw us and came running. She does nothing quietly or without flare. Yesterday at school she won the singing contest and serenaded us with her award-winning voice. She requested that when we return we teach them a spiritual lesson—so I guess Dawn and I are leading a small youth group on Friday :)

On our way out we went to say goodbye to Spongelay, one of Yonela’s friends, who really seemed to like Anne. She and Anne were so funny with each other. When we got back in the car, Anne was ecstatic. She has been at Alabanza for some time and hasn’t felt like she’s been effective as a minister in a long time. In the car on the way home, the girl couldn’t not stop talking about how amazing our few minutes at Refilwe were and how she can’t wait to go back. She wanted to go back every day! She goes back to the States mid-October, so I’m sure we will squeeze in several trips to Refilwe before then.

Last night Jackie returned to Alabanza after six months in the States. I had been hearing about Jackie not only from the people at Alabanza, but also from the people who work at the petrol station. They ask about Jackie all the time! Petrol stations in South Africa are still full service, so there are a ton of workers outside. They fill your tank, get your receipt, check your water, oil, tires, and clean your windshield. They are usually very friendly and they joke around with each other a lot. At the petrol station closest to Alabanza, Jackie made quite the impression. She is one of those people who lives and breathes ministry. She began to get to know everyone who worked there, and when they expressed their fears after the store was robbed, she began to pray with them.

Today Dawn, Anne, Jackie and I went to the petrol station. Jackie had cookies for everyone. Their faces just light up when they see her and even after six months of being gone, Jackie remembered personal details about everyone there. We prayed several times—as the workers switched off on taking care of customer and other came on and off break. We had a great time talking to the woman about their children. One of them will have her five-year-old with her next week (because there is no school) and we promised to come play with her.

I stood there staring for a while trying to process what was going on around me. Jackie could have done what most people do—drive up and hang cash out the window. But she didn’t. She began to make personal relationships and care about people that most others just walk past and don’t even acknowledge. Standing there I wondered if I could ever walk past another petrol attendant again and not say something. They were very sad when Jackie told them she is leaving in a few days for Swaziland. But Dawn, Anne, and I told them that we would come and we would pray with them. The women smiled—a good sign, I think.

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