Tuesday, September 4, 2007

the send-off

Here are a few of the faces who showed up to send me off. To all those who showed up at Trudy's and Spiderhouse to say goodbye (Joshua, Moo, Smash, Lisa, Bart, Erika, Hans, Katie G, Martin, Colby, Patrick, Daniel, Katie N, James, and Brockett), you have no idea how much it meant to me. I know I was a bit anxious (you should've seen my to-do list!) but the hugs and goodbyes and love were much needed and much appreciated. And to Todd who saw me later, thanks for adding a soundtrack to my African adventure-- you truly ARE my Rock Star!
me and Joshua

Erika-- who is now in California on her OWN adventure :)

my "family" this summer for the Summer of Love ;-)

me, Josh, and SmAshley


... and my boys, Rock Star and Joshua

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