Monday, December 10, 2007


Here are some of the faces of my family here in Africa:

Dini is the owner of Alabanza. She has the most incredible testimony I have ever heard. One of my favorite things to do here at Alabanza is to go and sit in her room and listen to her talk. Dini has lived all over the world and seen God do the most miraculous and transforming acts. I think what I love the most about that time is that God always gets all of the glory in each of her stories.

Mariet ("Mah-REET") is in charge of hospitality here at Alabanza. She coordinates each of the teams and groups that pass through here. She is the one that had the crazy wedding-themed birthday I told you all about. She is 23, from the Free State (here in ZA), and has become such a sister to me.

Anmerie is our highly over-qualified chef extraordinaire. She is 24, from Blomfontein, ZA, and is my favorite person in the world to make laugh. She has taught me a great deal about community and accountability, and she is convinced that I will be the funniest old woman ever.

Luiza is one of the most unique people you will ever meet. She adopted Veli right before we got to Alabanza, and she loves that boy with her whole heart. Luiza is 27, from Pretoria, and a gifted artist.

Dawie ("DAH-vee") is my closest friend at Alabanza. He is 20, from Middleburg, ZA, and is one of the funniest people in the world. He has taught me a great deal of Afrikaans, mostly how to argue with him, and is currently in China with Claud, Mary and their two daughters.

Hugo ("EEE-who") is a pastor in the truest since of the word; he watches over and takes care of each one of us. He is 30, from ZA, and I’m convinced there is no handy-man project he can’t at least attempt. He is a sweetheart, a prayer warrior, and makes the dorkiest jokes so funny I fall off my chair.

Alan, or "Uncle Alan," is the official handy-man of Alabanza. He is still recovering from a motorcycle accident a couple months ago. We have deemed him "The South African Chuck Norris" due to a strange resemblance, and I think he is just beginning to understand my humor ;-)

Dave is the eldest American on the yard. He is from California and loves to tell the South Africans how things are different in America.

Anne left in October to go home to America and just about broke my heart. She is 22, from North Carolina, and loves peanut butter and chocolate. She is greatly missed.

Jonathan also went home to America (in November), but plans to return in the spring. He is originally from Oklahoma, and told the corniest jokes and pick-up lines he could find. He and Dawie are pretty close, and the two of them would dazzle us with duets on special occasions.

Albert calls me his "Lindseykie" (or "little Lindsey"). He is goofy and loves a crowd. He is also obsessed with Dolly Parton and dreams of meeting her some day. He is convinced the streets of America must be lined with gold and hopes to walk down them someday soon.

Claud and Mary comprise one of the two American couples that live at Alabanza. Claud used to work for AIM and knows seven languages. Mary is deaf and knows in her heart that God will give her hearing one day. They adopted Busi and Nomdumiso from Swaziland.

Busi! I love this girl! She is 10, hilarious, and did a little dance every time we would mention her upcoming trip to China.

Nomdumiso is two, and a little heart-breaker. I don’t know what she did to me, but now whenever she comes up and grabs my hand, I can’t help but give her candy. It’s the strangest thing…

Francois is 18, South African, and came to Alabanza to recover from addiction. He loves rugby, music, working out, and has come to accept the fact that he now has about 10 older sisters here. I love picking on him, and he practically begs for it, so we get along pretty well.

Landi is 16 and lives in the house with me and Dawn. Since Landi moved to Alabanza and acquired three doting mothers (Luiza, Mariet, and Anmerie), she went from a failing student with speculated mental disabilities to the top of her class. She is passionate about animals and takes care of all of the animals that live at Alabanza.

Heidi is involved in the youth group I help out with every Friday night in a neighborhood in Pretoria. She is 17, very mature, and comes to Alabanza every Sunday to attend church and hang out with us all day. I am excited to come back next year and disciple Heidi :)

Lisbet, or "Mama Lizzie," has been a part of the Alabanza family for 15 years, and it truly would not run without her. She has four children of her own, and has recently taken in two children from a friend of the family who fell ill. She lives at Alabanza during the week, and returns home to Atteridgeville on the weekends.

Joy is one of the children Mama Lizzie recently took in. She loves "sweeties" and usually manages to find them (even when we hide them!).

Sammy is the other child Mama Lizzie took in. He is very active, a bit rambunctious, but loves to give hugs.

Kelly was on the AIM World Race team and then left it when they stopped in at Alabanza. Here, she met the Global Challenge team (a South African group), and joined up with them. She now lives in J-Bay at their headquarters, but came through Alabanza a couple of times. She lived in the house with us and we helped her recuperate from hand surgery. She is in her thirties and originally from Texas.

Leah and JoAnna

JoAnna ("Jo") is 25, from Indiana, and first came through Alabanza on her FYM team last year. She returned to help out with The Awakening, and has done far more than her fair share. She is a true servant, hilariously funny, and has the warmest (and loudest) laugh you’ve ever heard!

Leah is 20, from Washington State, and left this past week to go back to school. I miss her dearly. Jo was an FYM here at Alabanza for a year and returned to help out with The Awakening. Jo is like a sister, full of joy, loves to take photos, and an amazing worship leader.

Michael is 23, from Houston Texas, and is a participant with The Awakening. He was recently placed on the Kenya team. It is nice to have fellow Texans around :)

Jenny and Michelle

Jenny is 24, from South Carolina, and was a participant with The Awakening. She recently went home after deciding that her time with the FYM program was over.

Michelle is 20, is originally from Pretoria, but moved to Canada when she was 13. She speaks fluent Afrikaans, and has an amazing heart for children. She was also placed on the Kenya team, which is where she will be returning to after the Christmas break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for allowing us to put "faces" with the names. I can't wait to hear all the stories, STARTING NEXT TUESDAY!!!! The best Christmas present EVER is that my Lindsey's coming home ... for a while at least. I'll take that!!

Counting the minutes. Loving you, missing you, and very soon, hugging you!!

Until December 18th, here's to good directions and turnip greens!!

